
Showing posts from November, 2017

Sorry not sorry

'I am sorry!' That's a phrase that we all get to say or hear! There is no need to say why we say sorry or apologise. But I will still say it otherwise there will be no reason for me to write this blog!😂😂 First off we all say sorry, because, obviously we made a mistake! duh! We do it because we regret our words and actions and we believe that saying sorry or apologizing will make things better or will reform the situation. That's very common among many of us. Yes, it is another debate that sorry doesn't usually fix matters or bring the situation back to normal. That's another debate in itself! Sometimes. we also say sorry because we want to stay in the good books of someone. Such people do exist. They apologize in fear of facing a confrontation or a debate. So they simply apologize and end the matter. As simple as that. 😕 But then there is another reason why so many of us apologize. And that reason is the kind nature of that person. Why we do so is beca


Hypocrisy is one of the most disordered emotion in our society today. Just take a few mins of your time to analyse. Had this feeling not existed, how better off we would have been. Had we not meet hypocrites, how great our life would have been. And while reading this, do not think of those who have been hypocrite towards you, think about yourself first. No one is perfect, so it is better to not think that you have never been a hypocrite towards anyone. Probably if we all admitted to what we did, we would be able to avoid this whole hypocrisy situation. Personally, for me hypocrisy helped me to understand that no one is ever yours or on your side. There is no such thing. People who are constantly being hypocrites just let out negative vibe. They let out an aura of falseness around. They feign being on your side or being your well wisher but in reality they are just a gateway for the world to know everything  about you what you consider as private. Having came across such people, you s

Don't Regret!

Never regret or be ashamed of people that you have met in your life. Each one of them contribute to make you into who you are today, some contribute slightly while some contribute a lot. Some contribute positively while some contribute negatively. Appreciate, love and cherish those who've been into our life, who have helped us grow and who have stick to our side so far. Don't count your blessings by how many friends you made, count your blessings by how many are still there. Always ask yourself a question, if it was not for them, would I have made this so far? We have all gone through our individual set of struggles and we know who truly helped us. So these people, keep them close to your heart, always be grateful. Also, don't forget those who were there into your life for a short time but still managed to create a havoc into your life. Don't forget those who were there just to take you down, insult and gossip about. Everybody must have had their fair share of meetin