Don't Regret!

Never regret or be ashamed of people that you have met in your life. Each one of them contribute to make you into who you are today, some contribute slightly while some contribute a lot. Some contribute positively while some contribute negatively. Appreciate, love and cherish those who've been into our life, who have helped us grow and who have stick to our side so far. Don't count your blessings by how many friends you made, count your blessings by how many are still there. Always ask yourself a question, if it was not for them, would I have made this so far?  We have all gone through our individual set of struggles and we know who truly helped us. So these people, keep them close to your heart, always be grateful. 

Also, don't forget those who were there into your life for a short time but still managed to create a havoc into your life. Don't forget those who were there just to take you down, insult and gossip about. Everybody must have had their fair share of meeting such people. Don't forget them because it is because of them that you have come to know how strong you really are and what your real worth is. Definitely some of us may have changed in our life, for the worst maybe. But it is still because of them that you can now recognise such type of people and are able to stay firm in front of them. Probably if it was not for them then maybe you would have still been the too nice person that you were, the one that would always let other take advantage of you. 

Take your time and reconsider what you really feel about everybody that you have ever met in your life. Thank those who truly deserved to be thanks. While for those who don't deserve to be thanks, you know what to do. ;)


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