What I think about lectures!

You are all about to relate damn much to what I have to say! Be patient and read on! This is for those who always have something to say, irrespective of the situation and of the circumstances! 

Okay! so I understand that this type of person always have something to say. In other words, we could say that they always lecture people. No matter what, this person is always there to give you a long lecture! Now, don't get me wrong. This is not always a bad thing! At times, these long lectures have helped others to recover from depression, heart break, tensions, social problems. These lectures have also helped many from doing the worst or helped many to be back on the right tracks! To sum it all, lectures (about any topic; love, life, friendship, ups  and downs etc) have been for a great cause once! 

BUT these persons need to understand now that not everything can be solved with lectures! If you are angry with someone the least thing to do is to give them lectures. or when someone is going through any kind of problems, a lecture is not necessarily what they need! Personally I feel that a lecture is just someone's opinion  and we need not agree all the time. 

And It gets really annoying and boring at some point of time to always be listening to lectures of others! sometimes you need to just calm down and let things flow silently! you also need to know that everyone has a life which is private and you don't know the obstacles that person has been facing. So probably at the end of the day that the person just want to stay alone and enjoy some private time, not the annoying nagging of someone else! 

And if you really want to help someone then giving them lectures on lectures will not help, instead you should get to the roots of the problem and cooperate with them and find solutions collectively. Trust me, life gets even better and sweeter, for all of us! 

And yes, i decided to write on this because once upon a time i was also told to stop giving lectures! Believe it or not, we all have this side! we just need to identify it and decide upon we need to change! Remember that change is not going to happen overnight though! 😏

Note; hey there! like my post if you've read the blog so far, be it on Facebook or Instagram! follow my Facebook page; Words of Mine and Instagram account @words_of_mine. Don't hesitate to leave your critics and your ideas! πŸ˜›πŸ’•


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