
‘Behind every favorite song, there is an untold story!’

“Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones.” ― Keith Richards There is no denying that music is a major factor of our lives, most of us I guess. This is not for the ones who listen to one song and then get bored of it and it’s over. This is for people who fall in love with a song, or just simply get addicted to the song and listen to it on loop, people like me. There is always this one song that is most listened to in your playlist. You basically listen to that song everywhere and every day. Whenever you have the chance of listening to music, that is this one song that will be played first and second and third and fourth and maybe then you will listen to another. Do you remember any such song or songs? I think that over the years, any such songs that came into our life has a story behind it. The words and lyrics may not describe that story but just by listening to that song, it reminds yo

How to live positively; part 2 :)

Here is my super enthusiastic welcome to another blog of mine because it’s been a while since you heard from me! Worst blogger ever! I know right! Anyway, let’s get on to this little but super special blog on my new blog series: how to live more positively! There is a part one already, you can check it out! Here is the link to it: So here we are to ‘how to live more positively, part 2’ B. Enjoy and embrace the little things of life You heard that often right? Wherever you go that is what people keep saying to you! Well guess what? I am going to do the same too because well I don’t have content. Nahhh just kidding! I am going to write about it because it is true! If you really ponder about the importance of enjoying and embracing the little things in life, then trust me, you’ll actually live more positively! Firstly, learn to hold no grudges against anyone or any event in your heart! Even though tha

How to live positively: part 1 :)

You all thought I was dead right? I know it's been a while!  Aha no! I am back people with another blog post to cheer you all up! Just kidding, I just like to talk about real stuffs that engulf all of us and that I know you can all relate too! They aren’t exactly social issues but I feel the need to address it! I sat down and racked my brain for some ideas! So many words came to light; loyalty, trust, friendship etc. so I got the idea of making a little article series; HOW TO LIVE MORE POSITIVELY?  There will be many parts to this. I can talk generally and answer questions too! So welcome to ; ‘how to live more positively; part 1.’              A. Don’t let yourselves be taken for granted! At a point of time, everybody is taken for granted and this is not really a great feeling. Somehow you will feel used and will hinder your way to success and achieving your goal will seem very difficult.   To people who always take you for granted, here is a little message fo

What I think about lectures!

You are all about to relate damn much to what I have to say! Be patient and read on! This is for those who always have something to say, irrespective of the situation and of the circumstances!  Okay! so I understand that this type of person always have something to say. In other words, we could say that they always lecture people. No matter what, this person is always there to give you a long lecture! Now, don't get me wrong. This is not always a bad thing! At times, these long lectures have helped others to recover from depression, heart break, tensions, social problems. These lectures have also helped many from doing the worst or helped many to be back on the right tracks! To sum it all, lectures (about any topic; love, life, friendship, ups  and downs etc) have been for a great cause once!  BUT  these persons need to understand now that not everything can be solved with lectures! If you are angry with someone the least thing to do is to give them lectures. or when someone is

The mindset needs to change!

  [ Zainab’s parents had gone to  Saudi Arabia  for performing  Umrah  and Zainab was living with her aunt. On 4 January 2018, while going to a Quran tuition class which was very close to her house, she went missing. Her uncle, Muhammad Adnan, lodged a complaint with the Kasur District Police Office.  CCTV  video footage which was discovered by Ansari's family members, with no help from the authorities involved, shows her accompanied by an unknown bearded man in white clothes and a jacket, holding her by the hand and walking on Peerowala Road in Kasur. Her body was later found in a garbage heap in Shahbaz Khan Road on 9th January 2018. After an  autopsy , it was confirmed that she had been raped and strangled to death. The autopsy suggested that she endured captivity and torture before her murder.} (as per wikipedia)  Kidnapped…Raped…Murdered! These words do not just sum up the story of Zainab Ansari, a young little angel but the story of many more girls who have been such vi


*A short one* Don’t we often just complain about the fact that many people who used to be close to us are now distancing themselves? Then what do we do? Rant about it to others. In our generation, our biggest weapon is to post it on social media in order to shade the one concerned! Don’t deny. At a point of time, we must have all done it. But do we ever ask ourselves if this is the good approach? No, we don’t! Why? Because many of us have this sick mentality that we are always right and we can never go wrong, isn’t it? Well, if you think so, then you are wrong. Problems exist in everyone’s life, between a couple, between best friends, between children and parents. However, the approach to this issue should be different. When we notice the increasing distance between we and someone else, the first thing to do is to question yourself. What if you are the one at fault? What if your behavior caused the distance or what if you are just unwilling to understand the other person’s p

Being perfect is not an achievement!

The more we are progressing into the modern age, the more are our thoughts changing. Some are changing for good and some are taking the worst form possible. Why is being called perfect the ultimate achievement? Perfect boobs, perfect abs, perfect eyebrows, what do they even mean? In our modern society, we all go on and on about how everybody is accepted no matter their shape or size or skin color? Heck no, we are far from being called a modern society. In a modern society, all these should not exist. A body is a body, despite its shape. Being curvy is a problem, yet being skinny is a problem too! Being too shy is being an introvert yet being very open minded and outgoing is bold and not accepted. So what does society actually want? So many videos exist on how to perfect the make up or the hair, but where are the videos that are actually important? Like how to be more beautiful in the inside? How to be more polite towards people?  It’s really high time that we focus on our soul rathe